National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK 8253
For information on youth suicide prevention contact:
Tennessee Lives Count Project
295 Pus Park Blvd, Suite 201
Nashville TN 37217
P 615-297-1077 F 615-269-5413
Saving Veteran Live in Tennessee
TN Veterans Administration Medial Centers
Nashville 800-228-4973
Murfreesboro 800-876-7093
Memphis 800-636-8262
Mountain Home-Johnson City 877-573-3529
Knoxville Outpatient Clinic 865-545-4592
Returning Combat Veterans
Nashville OFF/OFF Transition Clinic
800-228-4973 ext 67764
Murfreesboro OFF/OFF Transition Clinic
800-876-7093 ext 24778
Memphis OFF/OFF Program
800-636-8262 ext 7319
Mountain Home-Johnson City OFF/OFF
423-926-1171 ext 7362 0r 2644
VA returning combat veteran site
Lions Clubs – The Lions Club provides a number of services that include free professional glaucoma screenings, cornea transplants and quality eye care. Besides collecting 3 million glasses per year, they also conduct a Hometown Day. This event will help people get free eye exams as well as free eyeglasses through Lenscrafters
Prevent Blindness America
You can visit their site at then click "Prevent blindness in your state" link.
Sight For Students
Founded in 1997, this organization operates nationwide to provide eye exams and eyeglasses to uninsured children and children in low income families. Sight for Students was launched as part of the “America’s Promise – The Alliance for Youth” dedicated to improve the lives of American youths which was founded by Ret. Gen. Colin Powell.
You can visit their site at for more information on eligibility and how to apply.
Region 36 Adult Education
Chester, Decatur, Henderson Counties
Want a job? Want a better job? Get a Diploma!
Henderson County
293 North Broad St
Lexington TN
Chester County
1449 White Ave
Henderson TN
Decatur County
257 West 9th St
Parsons TN
Medicare Information & Counseling
Medicare Extra Help Programs. Staff & volunteers will submit applications over the phone for anyone
who feels they may qualify for LIS (Low Income Subsidy), QMB, SLMB, QI 1, QDWI (Medicare Savings Plans).
LIS helps individuals lower their prescription drug costs.
QMB, SLMB, QI1, QDWI allow individuals to qualify for assistance from the State to pay for their Medicare
Part B Premiums.
TN SHIP is sponsored by the Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability & the statewide Area Agency on
Aging & Disability network.
SHIP Family & Children's Service
201 23rd Ave. North
Nashville TN 37203
Please call: 1-877-801-0044
Every child should have the opportunity to pursue a quality education regardless of the economic situation they are born into. Democrats value education and are dedicated to ensuring the next generation has access to an education to realize their potential and the American Dream.
See more
Social Security
Democrats believe that Social Security and Medicare must be kept strong for seniors, people with disabilities, and future generations. We pledge to protect Medicare and fight against any attempts at ending the Social Security guarantee, privatizing the program or raising the retirement age.
See more
Tennessee Democrats believe in good jobs with good wages and benefits for a hard day’s work so that we can all pursue our dreams, educate our children, and live and retire with security. We are committed to helping grow an economy that strengthens our country and middle-class families for the long run. All Americans deserve the opportunity to succeed in life by having access to a quality education from preschool to college, a tax code that is fair to working families, and a wages that allow workers to save for a secure retirement.
See more – The Lions Club provides a number of services that include free professional glaucoma screenings, cornea transplants and quality eye care. Besides collecting 3 million glasses per year, they also conduct a Hometown Day. This event will help people get free eye exams as well as free eyeglasses through Lenscrafters
Prevent Blindness America
You can visit their site at then click "Prevent blindness in your state" link.
Sight For Students
Founded in 1997, this organization operates nationwide to provide eye exams and eyeglasses to uninsured children and children in low income families. Sight for Students was launched as part of the “America’s Promise – The Alliance for Youth” dedicated to improve the lives of American youths which was founded by Ret. Gen. Colin Powell.
You can visit their site at for more information on eligibility and how to apply.
Region 36 Adult Education
Chester, Decatur, Henderson Counties
Want a job? Want a better job? Get a Diploma!
Henderson County
293 North Broad St
Lexington TN
Chester County
1449 White Ave
Henderson TN
Decatur County
257 West 9th St
Parsons TN
Medicare Information & Counseling
Medicare Extra Help Programs. Staff & volunteers will submit applications over the phone for anyone
who feels they may qualify for LIS (Low Income Subsidy), QMB, SLMB, QI 1, QDWI (Medicare Savings Plans).
LIS helps individuals lower their prescription drug costs.
QMB, SLMB, QI1, QDWI allow individuals to qualify for assistance from the State to pay for their Medicare
Part B Premiums.
TN SHIP is sponsored by the Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability & the statewide Area Agency on
Aging & Disability network.
SHIP Family & Children's Service
201 23rd Ave. North
Nashville TN 37203
Please call: 1-877-801-0044
Every child should have the opportunity to pursue a quality education regardless of the economic situation they are born into. Democrats value education and are dedicated to ensuring the next generation has access to an education to realize their potential and the American Dream.
See more
Social Security
Democrats believe that Social Security and Medicare must be kept strong for seniors, people with disabilities, and future generations. We pledge to protect Medicare and fight against any attempts at ending the Social Security guarantee, privatizing the program or raising the retirement age.
See more
Tennessee Democrats believe in good jobs with good wages and benefits for a hard day’s work so that we can all pursue our dreams, educate our children, and live and retire with security. We are committed to helping grow an economy that strengthens our country and middle-class families for the long run. All Americans deserve the opportunity to succeed in life by having access to a quality education from preschool to college, a tax code that is fair to working families, and a wages that allow workers to save for a secure retirement.
See more